Clone High is an adult cartoon sitcom about the clones of famous historical figures and their high school lives. It left a void from its abrupt and hilarious cliff-hanging finale back in 2002. I only discovered it in 2008 but Clone High became an instant favorite as it aired a familiar humour from Scrubs. I found the news from Tommy Walter (Abandoned Pools) social media. Check out the Clone High reboot trailer.
The Clone High reboot will premiere on May 23, 2023 via HBO Max. Abe, JFK, and Jean will be back. New characters will include Confucius, Harriet Tubman, Christopher Columbus, and Frida Kahlo. So we address the elephant in the room, Gandhi may not (most likely will not) be returning notably due to his controversial portrayal in the 2002 Clone High. If you've seen the original season, you'll see some significant changes (such as JFK and Jean), but this also hints the direction of the storyline.